By Julie Bennett | Founder, Renovator's Toolkit
Welcome to another episode of the Renovators Toolkit podcast.
I'm your host Julie Bennett, homeowner turned renovator. My first renovation experience started by accident when a pipe burst. And not that long ago my husband and I took on our biggest project to date - we tore our house down and rebuilt from the ground up. Fast Forward through many lessons learned, rework and delays - we’re enjoying our beautiful home and I’ve moved onto my next big project- a mission to make your renovation easier.
I created the renovators toolkit podcast to give you simple, actionable step by step strategies to make planning your home renovation easier.
If you’re an ambitious homeowner, who's looking to transform your home and create spaces you love, you’re in the right place.
If we were neighbors, I’d be inviting you in for a cup of coffee to dish some renovation real talk. So pull up a chair, grab a cup of something warm to drink and let’s get started.
Today I'm walking you through five ways to refresh your home office.
These are easy things that you can do right away.
If you're like me, in 2020, you have spent a lot more time at home. We all have, right?
And one of the things that I was not prepared for was the home office experience.
My husband and I are bold working from home. We needed two desks ...and for the longest time, my husband, Brett used a stand up desk that was basically a stag of Christmas boxes. So we've made some improvements along the way.
Now I'm feeling ready to elevate my space a little bit. Today I’m sharing 5 easy ways you can refresh your home office. You could put all these things in motion in a single afternoon. You can head over to the blog to see photos of my office space transformation at
Buy something for your space that delights you.
I found myself needing a bookcase after being here for a lot longer. I had a big stack of books that I was referencing frequently, and I bought It’s the Afternoon Storybook Case from DWR. It was my first purchase there.
And I love it. It's a vertically stacked bookcase and it brings me the light every time I walk into my office. It's really a wonderful piece. My sister got one too, as well as the potted plant version - which is also really cool.
The second refresher is to bring some greenery into your office.
Back in the days when we went into the office, in my cubicle land I had a bunch of houseplants at the office. When I brought some succulents to my desk the transformation of bringing a little bit of greenery to the space was incredible. There is something stimulating about their form. I really recommend that you get a plant for your office or your desk.

Monstera Deliciosa Plant
You could order a pre-potted plant from Bloomscape or or even buy a small succulent you pick up with the grocery store the next time you're there. I've got a couple of types of “can't kill it” recommendations. They’re there for you two on the blog.
Third item is to drink coffee from a great mug.
Now this one is kind of silly, but it really does make a difference. It's the small differences that collectively move the needle, right?
I have some mugs from the “Been There Series” Starbucks this morning. I am drinking from an Idaho mug, which is where I'm from. So just a little bit of reminder of back home, or some of my other favorites is enough to make the home office experience a little bit better.
Fresher number four: Improve your lighting!
Get a new light fixture. A new floor or desk lamp is a great way to improve your space and express your style in a way that maybe you couldn’t back in the old days. This will also enable you to add another dimension of light from the windows and maybe your overhead lights but just also
Lighting is a fun way to expand your design aesthetic. It doesn't have to be expensive, but something again that lights and brings you joy. Maybe that would be a little bit out of your normal design style. A design that’s leaning in a little bit for you.
Hang a photo or a picture or two.
Look I get it. I am so reluctant to put holes in the walls. But - Hanging a photo or a frame on your desk can rally make a huge difference in your space.
If you are hanging multiple frames, you can arrange your layout first on the floor, then see how it looks on the wall using painters tape to outline the frames.
You can start with something that you have - so you don’t have to buy something new agonize over picking a favorite photo. If you are inspired to print a new photo - use Minted, Artifact Uprising or Frambridge to send the finished product your way. The fewer decisions and steps to make the better.
For the non-committal photo framer, the Brass & Wood Display Box from Artifact Uprising is great - you can see and shuffle your favorites. Their double thick prints are the best for toddlers that man-handle prints. I might be talking from experience here...
If you're not ready to be about the hammer and nails and put holes in the walls, you can use contact strips. Another great option is to shop Etsy for removable wall decals - think impermanent wall wapper - and give your space some life. I’ve personally surfed Etsy a bit recently and found lots of really great options.
The five easy ways to refresh your space can be quick and easy.
Let’s review them one more time.
The first - Find something that delights you
The second - Brings in greenery into your space.
The third - Drink coffee from a great mug.
THe fourth - Find a great lamp or a light
The fifth - Put something on the walls.
Are you feeling ready to dive a little deeper in your home renovation?
You can download your free guide to start planning your wish list, making a preliminary budget, and finding your design style.
Thanks so much for reading today. I’ll see you back here next week.